
PhD in Structural Engineering
Feb 2020 - Jul 2024
University College London, London, UK
Multi-hazard structural analysis and optimisation. You can find my thesis here.

Visiting Research Student Collaborator (VRSC)
Nov 2023 - Feb 2024
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Research on the Harrisburg Bridge Fire and fire performance of girder bridges with low-frequency sinusoidal webs.

M.S. Architectural and Civil Engineering
Jan 2017 - Oct 2018
同济大学 Tongji University, Shanghai, China
(Double Degree, score: 92.4/100, GPA: 4.88/5).

M.S. Structural Engineering
Sep 2015 - Oct 2018
University of Trento, Trento, Italy
(Double Degree, score: 107/110). Thesis: "Analysis and Design of Periodic Foundations for the Seismic Protection of Storage Tanks".

B.S. Civil Engineering
Sep 2012 - Sep 2015
University of Trento, Trento, Italy
(Score: 108/110).
Professional Experience

Postdoctoral researcher
August 2024 - Present
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Research project: "Adaptive Fire Testing: A New Foundation Stone for Fire Safety" (AFire test). The primary goal of this project is to develop a framework to identify optimum fire tests among the possible test specifications through the maximum expected net information gain. I work on the work packages 1 and 3 (WP1, WP3). My role includes: i) Assessing the value of information of fire tests for different applications (e.g. product characterisation, performance-based design) ii) Developing a framework for Adaptive Fire Testing.

Qualified Civil Engineer
Oct 2020
University of Parma, Parma, Italy
State Exam for Qualification to the Profession of Engineer (Italy). Section A, Civil and Environmental Sector.

Research Assistant
Nov 2018 - Nov 2019
University of Trento, Trento, Italy
Research project: "Conception of dissipation devices for seismic protection of civil systems based on metamaterial concepts for vertical seismic actions." Supervised by: Prof. Oreste S. Bursi.
Structural Engineer
Nov 2018 - Feb 2019
Studio Tecnico Turrina, Verona, Italy
Structural design of residential and industrial buildings, site inspections, and project documentation management.
Structural Engineering Internship
June 2018 - Oct 2018
ECADI, Shanghai, China
Structural design and seismic analysis of buildings. Main achievements:
- Matlab code for the design of steel-concrete composite beams and tables for preliminary design;
- Static analysis of a Chinese fan-shaped stair for Shanghai Opera (ANSYS);
- Non-linear time history analysis of a school building with base isolation (ETABS).
Teaching and Supervision Experience

Analysis of Structures
Academic Year 2024-25
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Role: Lecturer in Charge
This course is part of the International Master of Science in Fire Safety Engineering. We teach students the essential principles of structural analysis at normal design temperatures, both for statically determinate and statically indeterminate structures.

PhD Supervision
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
Role: Co-supervisor
I co-supervise two PhD students working on the AFire test project.

Integrated Design Projects
Academic Years 2021-22 / 2022-23
University College London, London, UK
Role: Teaching Assistant (course led by Dr. Augustin Guibaud)
Main duties:
- Supervised groups working on bridge engineering projects;
- Gathered and provided feedback from client and senior partner meetings;
- Marked coursework.

Reliability, Risk and Resilience Modelling
Academic Years 2021-22 / 2022-23
IUSS Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Role: Teaching Assistant (course led by Prof. Carmine Galasso)
Delivered teaching sessions on simulation methods (e.g., Monte Carlo Simulation) to calculate the failure probability of structural systems.

Materials, Mechanics and Making
Academic Years 2020-21 / 2021-22 / 2022-23
University College London, London, UK
Role: Teaching Assistant (course led by Dr. Yasemin Aktas)
Main duties:
- Delivered tutorials on material mechanics;
- Marked coursework;
- Assisted in Scenario Week, where students design, construct, and test a load-bearing system.

Structural Analysis and Design
March 2023
University College London, London, UK
Role: Teaching Assistant (course led by Dr. Philippe Duffour)
Conducted structural laboratory demonstrations on indeterminate structures (portal frames and pinned arches).

MSc Thesis Supervision
March - Sept 2022
University of Greenwich, London, UK
Supervised four MSc students working on the following projects:
- Optimal structural system selection for cable-supported bridges to minimize cost and environmental impact;
- Effect of traffic loads on the seismic response of bridge components;
- Seismic vibration control of cable-stayed bridges using resonant periodic devices (co-supervised with Dr. Xiao Lei, Tongji University);
- Benefits of negative stiffness devices on vertical attenuation of metafoundations (co-supervised with Dr. Xiao Lei).

Vibrations, Acoustics & Control
Oct - Nov 2020
University College London, London, UK
Role: Teaching Assistant (course led by Prof. Paul Fromme)
Delivered tutorials on structural dynamics for single-, multi-degree-of-freedom, and continuous systems.
Invited Talks
- Consequence-oriented fire intensity optimisation for structural design. Trigon Fire, London, UK. May 29, 2024.
- Optimizing the inherent fire capacity of structures by rethinking the design workflow. Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) Webinar. April 9, 2024.
- Optimizing the inherent fire capacity of structures. Princeton University CEE Seminar. Princeton, NJ. Feb 21, 2024.
- Exploiting OpenSees for fire in structural optimisation. Workshop: Recent research results using OpenSees. University College London, London, UK. Jan 11, 2024.
- Consequence-oriented fire intensity optimisation for structural design. Hydrock, London, UK. Dec 5, 2023.
- Assessing the true performance of structures in fire. AXA XL, London, UK. Nov 9, 2023.
- Consequence-oriented fire intensity optimisation for structural design under uncertainty. Structures in Fire Forum. Institution of Structural Engineers (IStructE), London, UK. July 29, 2023.
- Structures in fire or fires in structures? Assessing the true performance of structures in fire. Verisk, London, UK. July 25, 2023.
- Consequence-oriented fire intensity optimisation for structural design. AKTII, London, UK. May 16, 2023.
- A consequence-oriented approach to fire safety design under uncertainty. Arup, London and UK offices, UK. April 4, 2023.
- Maximum Allowable Consequence approach to the fire safety design of bridges. AKTII, London, UK. March 6, 2023.
- Probabilistic optimization of seismically excited cable-stayed bridges. EPICentre Seminars, University College London, London, UK. March 24, 2021.
Honors and Awards
- Turing Scheme grant funding for studying abroad (Princeton University). UK Government. Oct 2023.
- Student Recognition Award. International Civil Engineering Risk and Reliability Association (CERRA), ICASP14 conference, Dublin, Ireland. July 2023.
- 1st place at the 3-minute Thesis (3MT) Competition. UCL Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, London. April 2023.
- Best Student Presentation Award and Student Travel Grant. 12th International Conference on Structures in Fire (SiF2022), Hong Kong. Dec 2022.
- Academic Rep of the Year. UCL Faculty of Engineering Sciences, London. July 2022.
- Best PhD Student Research Pitch. UCL Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, London. Oct 2022.
- Student Research Grant ($5000). The Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE). May 2022.
- Maurice Franses Memorial Scholarship for a 4-year PhD project in Structural Engineering. Jan 2020.
- Research Assistant Grant for project on dissipation devices for seismic protection. University of Trento, Trento, Italy. Nov 2018.
- MSc Career Award Prize. University of Trento, Trento, Italy. Oct 2018.
- Double MSc Degree Scholarship. University of Trento, Trento, Italy. Nov 2016.
- BSc Career Award Prize. University of Trento, Trento, Italy. Oct 2015.
Community Service
Engineering Sciences Faculty Rep (Research Students)
Nov 2021 - Nov 2023
University College London, London, UK
Main achievements and contributions:
- Conceptualised, organised, and hosted the "UCL Engineering PhD Students Research Festival" (July 2022, 2023) and the "UCL Engineering PhD Students Business Festival - Entrepreneurship Competition" (July 2023).
- Organised joint events for PhD students in the Engineering Sciences Faculty and UCL Bartlett School of Architecture.
- Collected feedback on PGTA payment, prepared a report, and participated in a working group on a new studentship payment system for doctoral researchers.
- Panelist in welcoming events for PhD students.
- Dicussed and voted diversity, equity, and inclusion policies.
- Represented students in UCL Academic Board meetings.
Postgraduate Champion
Nov 2020 - Oct 2021
Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE), London, UK
Role included:
- Represented postgraduate student views and encouraged their participation in ICE activities.
- Supported research students in choosing activities aligned with the Researcher Development Framework and ICE CEng Member attributes.
July 2020 - Sept 2020
Nuffield Research Placements, London, UK
Tutor for A-level student research project: "Comparing early- and recently-built cable-stayed bridges."
July 2020
I'm an Engineer, London, UK
Participated in “I'm An Engineer - Stay At Home!” live chats with primary school students (online activity).